Mailbox Replacement Policy

                                Town of Stanfold’s mailbox replacement policy

Mailboxes have been, and are allowed on Town road right-of-ways as a matter of convenience to the landowner or occumpants, and not as a  matter of right.  A mailbox is an encroachment on highway right-of-ways and is governed by Section 86.04 of WI State Statues.

Mailboxes accidentally damaged in the process of removing snow, mowing the right-of-way, graveling the shoulder, or any other act of maintaining the right-of-way, shall be the landowners or occupants obligation to repair or replace. Tubes or boxes for newspaper delivery are also covered by this policy.

All mailboxes shall be installed with the bottom of the box between 42-48 inches above the ground.  All posts must be no larger than one and on half inches in metal diameter or 4×4 wooden posts.  Heavy, ornamental, masonry or other receptacles filled with sand or concrete are NOT permitted.  It is strongly encouraged that mailboxes be mounted on a swing arm, as they will push out of the way and reduce damage done by maintenance vehicles.